Weryfikujemy pracodawców
Weryfikujemy pracodawców
Weryfikujemy pracodawców
Jesteśmy legalnie działającą agencją pracy posiadającą wpis do rejestru podmiotów prowadzących Agencję Zatrudnienia w Polsce, w zakresie pracy tymczasowej i pośrednictwa pracy, zarejestrowaną pod nr 30014 oraz Akredytację rządu Filipin – POEA (Philippine Overseas Employment Administration) – na zatrudnianie obywateli Filipin na terenie Polski
WERYFIKUJEMY NASZYCH KLIENTÓW. Pracodawcy do współpracy z którymi Cię zapraszamy to solidne, legalnie działające firmy dla których poszanowanie Twojej kultury jest równie ważne jak dla nas. Zależy nam na Twoim dobrym samopoczuciu i poczuciu bezpieczeństwa w nowych warunkach życia.
Obszary działania
Transport i logistyka
- Kierowcy ciężarówek
- Operatorzy wózków widłowych
- Spedytorzy
- Pracownicy magazynowi
Usługi hotelarskie
- Recepcjoniści
- Portierzy
- Pokojowi
- Kucharze
- Kelnerzy
Usługi budowlane
- Cieśle szalunkowi
- Murarze
- Pracownicy rusztowań
- Malarze budowlani
- Stolarze
- Spawacze
- Hydraulicy
- Elektrycy
- Monterzy
- Technicy klimatyzacji
- Robotnicy budowlani
Na co możesz liczyć po otrzymaniu oferty pracy
Nasz Filipiński zespół zadba o Ciebie przed wyjazdem. Przeprowadzi Cię przez niezbędne formalności, zorganizuje wymagane pozwolenia i dokumenty podróży. Przez cały okres przygotowawczy będziesz miał kontakt z opiekunem, który będzie Cię wspierał w tym procesie. Po wylądowaniu w Polsce zaopiekuje się Tobą nasz lokalny zespół. Przedstawiciel naszego biura powita Cię na lotnisku.
Zapewnimy Ci transport i wygodne miejsce zakwaterowania. Pomożemy Ci załatwić wszelkie formalności i wprowadzimy Cię w istotne aspekty Twojego życia w Polsce. Otrzymasz wsparcie opiekuna, który będzie Cię wspierał w razie niespodziewanych okoliczności.
Naszym celem jest tworzenie trwałych relacji opartych na wzajemnym szacunku i zaufaniu. Jesteś dla nas ważny.
Zadzwoń odpowiemy na Twoje pytania
Zadzwoń odpowiemy na Twoje pytania
Opinie pracowników
The agency welcomed me at the airport and everything went smoothly. The work was as promised, no waiting, everything was taken care of. Thank you very much to Mrs. Anna for her help in arranging the phone card and bank account. She listened patiently and explained. I was in contact with her throughout my stay. After the end of the contract, I quickly got another offer. I recommend!
Alberto, formwork carpenter, 43 years old
Before the first trip, I was afraid that I was going for nothing and wasting my time. On the spot, it turned out that the people are nice and helpful, the working conditions are good, and the money is paid on time. I have been working with the agency for 10 months and I am satisfied.
Jerry, welder, 38 years old
The cooperation has been positive from the beginning. Having telephone and e-mail contact with Ms. Marta, I could count on help in every situation in which I did not know what to do – everything was dealt with quickly and efficiently. Demanding but nice management. A lot of work but regular settlements and no delays. Thank you to the agency for helping me find another job!
Rayos, valet, 29 years old
At first, it was hard, everything was new, I didn’t know if I could do it. Mrs. Angel believed in me and called to ask how I was doing and if everything was ok at work, she helped me a lot. I am grateful and have worked with the agency for almost two years. I am satisfied.
Romnick, warehouse worker, 31
Thank you very much to the agency for the work and for the fact that I could always call Mrs. Ania and ask for help when I did not understand something or did not know. At work everything was as they told me before, there was no surprise. When you work well, everyone is happy. I was afraid they would pay but paid on time and without problems. I recommend cooperation, I was not disappointed.
Baysa, electrician, 44
I recommend cooperation. I know my trade but I didn’t know how it would be. It was very good and as promised. I couldn’t get along at first, but everything fell into place over time. I was surprised that Mrs. Kasia calls and is interested in me and asks if everything is okay. She said I could count on her anyway. There was no need but I could and it was great. And the salary was always on time. Thank you, I will always recommend you!
Gabriel, carpenter, 40 years old
The agency welcomed me at the airport and everything went smoothly. The work was as promised, no waiting, everything was taken care of. Thank you very much to Mrs. Anna for her help in arranging the phone card and bank account. She listened patiently and explained. I was in contact with her throughout my stay. After the end of the contract, I quickly got another offer. I recommend!
Alberto, formwork carpenter, 43 years old
Before the first trip, I was afraid that I was going for nothing and wasting my time. On the spot, it turned out that the people are nice and helpful, the working conditions are good, and the money is paid on time. I have been working with the agency for 10 months and I am satisfied.
Jerry, welder, 38 years old
The cooperation has been positive from the beginning. Having telephone and e-mail contact with Ms. Marta, I could count on help in every situation in which I did not know what to do – everything was dealt with quickly and efficiently. Demanding but nice management. A lot of work but regular settlements and no delays. Thank you to the agency for helping me find another job!
Rayos, valet, 29 years old
At first, it was hard, everything was new, I didn’t know if I could do it. Mrs. Angel believed in me and called to ask how I was doing and if everything was ok at work, she helped me a lot. I am grateful and have worked with the agency for almost two years. I am satisfied.
Romnick, warehouse worker, 31
Thank you very much to the agency for the work and for the fact that I could always call Mrs. Ania and ask for help when I did not understand something or did not know. At work everything was as they told me before, there was no surprise. When you work well, everyone is happy. I was afraid they would pay but paid on time and without problems. I recommend cooperation, I was not disappointed.
Baysa, electrician, 44
I recommend cooperation. I know my trade but I didn’t know how it would be. It was very good and as promised. I couldn’t get along at first, but everything fell into place over time. I was surprised that Mrs. Kasia calls and is interested in me and asks if everything is okay. She said I could count on her anyway. There was no need but I could and it was great. And the salary was always on time. Thank you, I will always recommend you!
Gabriel, carpenter, 40 years old